26th Annual Student Research Symposium and Award Night

Fairleigh Dickinson University Dickinson Hall, Room 4468, Teaneck, NJ, United States

This is a forum for students and their faculty mentors from colleges and universities that participate in the subsection’s activities to present the results of their research. Outstanding graduating students, […]

Board of Directors Meeting

Pace University 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY, United States

The Board of Directors invites all members to join them at their Board Meetings.  This is a hybrid meeting at Pace University and via Zoom. Please RSVP to Bernadette Taylor […]

Board of Directors Meeting


The Board of Directors invites all members to join them at this virtual Board Meeting. Please RSVP to Bernadette Taylor to receive the Zoom link.

Board of Directors Meeting

Pace University 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY, United States

The Board of Directors invites all members to join them at this hybrid Board Meeting. Please RSVP to Bernadette Taylor to receive the Zoom link.